Habitat for Humanity 

Habitat for Humanity is a wonderful program that has helped many of our lower income families achieve their own home. 

There is a process for this.   The first step is to attend one of the annual Homeowner information meetings are August 24 or August 26, 2023.

Even if you feel you are not completely ready to take this step, I would encourage you to attend one of these meetings, so you will understand the process for this.  

See attached documents

Hoosier Latinos: A Century of Struggle, Service and Success

Using oral history and archival records, Hoosier Latinos: A Century of Struggle, Service, and Success recognizes the impressive lineage of Latinos in Indiana across time and space.  Since the 1800’s Latino residents comingled with the English and German families, Irish workers, and freed Blacks who made Indiana home.  The book explores how Latino Hoosiers navigated home and belonging in the Midwest from Northwest  Indiana to Indianapolis and south to Evansville.



SABADO, JULIO 08, 2023
8AM -11AM


1. CONTROL DE COLESTEROL (requiere 10 horas de ayuno)
2. DETECCIÓN DE DIABETES (requiere 10 horas de ayuno)


No comas nada 10 horas ANTES del examen de control de colesterol y el de la detección de diabetes. Las vacunas COVID de Moderna (18+) y Prizer (12+) tambien estaran disponibles.

Para más información, llame al (812) 353-3244

City names new Latino outreach coordinator

The City of Bloomington’s Community and Family Resources Department will have a new liaison to the local Hispanic community. 

The department has named Ximena Martinez Ruiz the Latino outreach coordinator, the role previously held by Hamilton’s Chief of Staff Josefa Madrigal. 

As outreach coordinator, Martinez will provide support and information to residents and work with local organizations to make sure they can access services. She’ll also translate for Spanish-only-speaking residents. 


Families First Neighborhood Pantry at Heatherwood

Reminder: Next Monday, 5/15, is the day for the Families First Neighborhood Pantry at Heatherwood,
2 – 4 pm. Come one, come all!

Juneteenth is a Federal Holiday falling on June 19, which is usually a mobile pantry day. That month we will plan to have it on June 12 instead, so please mark your calendars.

El próximo lunes, 5/15, es el día para la despensa Families First del vecindario Heatherwood, de 2 a 4 pm. ¡Venga uno, vengan todos!

Juneteenth es un feriado federal que cae el 19 de junio, que generalmente es un día de despensa móvil. Ese mes planearemos tenerlo el 12 de junio, así que por favor marque sus calendarios.

Indiana’s Hispanic population

A person is Hispanic if s/he identifies him/herself as Hispanic. The most recent Census Bureau data (2021) reveal about 494,000 Hispanic persons living in Indiana. That’s just 0.8% of the nation’s Hispanic population, ranking this state 21st among the 50 states.

When you talk about Hispanics in Indiana, who are you talking about? These Hoosiers didn’t just arrive in the U.S. Most (72%) were born in America.


Madrigal named chief of staff for Bloomington mayor

Josefa Madrigal will become chief of staff for Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton. (Courtesy of City of Bloomington)

Josefa Madrigal, a former Bloomington police officer and current city employee, will become chief of staff Friday for Mayor John Hamilton.

Madrigal has lived in Bloomington for 20 years and is originally from northwest Indiana. She graduated from Indiana University with a bachelor’s degree and later worked as a police officer for the IU and Bloomington police departments. She has served as a domestic violence survivor’s advocate. For the last six years, Madrigal has served as the Latino Outreach Coordinator for the Department of Community and Family Resources.


Support for Turkish and Syrian families after earthquake

Many in our community are so impacted by this devastating earthquake that has destroyed so many homes, with a horrible loss of innocent and precious life. 

I suspect many of you, are like me, we struggle with how to help,  what can we do. 

We have many Turkish and Syrian ancestry people in Bloomington, restaurant owners and others.   Many other residents, lived in Turkey after they fled violence in their home countries, and have great affection for this beautiful country.   We have families who live here, but earlier, came from Syria, this war-ravaged country, and are restarting their lives, working to raise their children in safety.  

So, how can we help.   Here are two suggestions.  Both refer to a gofund me site.   

1 –  from the IU faculty

Dear friends of CSME.      We are heartbroken by the tragedy in southern Turkey and northern Syria.  The extent of the devastation and suffering are difficult to comprehend.  It is hard to know how to help from here, but we’d like to urge you to contribute to a local fund-raising effort.      The Turkish student community here in Bloomington has created a GoFundMe page with a goal of raising $50,000.  

The money raised will go to AHBAP, a well-known, trustworthy, and transparent Turkish non-profit organization that has been actively working in the distribution of earthquake relief.  Please click the link below to donate.        Any contribution makes a difference.  So please help if you can.

Fundraiser by Selahattin Akkas : Indiana Aid for Earthquake Relief in Turkey (gofundme.com)

2- From a local restaurant owner:   that refers to the same site. 

You might have heard of the recent devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Words fail to adequately describe the pain, suffering, and destruction this earthquake  caused. I just talked to a friend of mine here in Bloomington, he told me that two thirds of his relatives are dead, there are a few who they can not reach, and the survivors are left with nothing and out in the street in freezing temperatures. The rescue efforts and sources are inadequate.       The members of the Turkish Community in Bloomington  are working hard to raise funds for the victims and survivors of this earthquake.   

The name is Indiana Aid for Earthquake Relief in Turkey.      https://gofund.me/55956d8e

There are, of course, many international organizations that are mobilizing support for these desperate families. 

Red cross,  Red Crescent,  International Rescue Committee, Save the Children, etc. 

Please hold up these families in your prayers, and provide support if you can

Thanks and best wishes