Social media suggests that getting food stamps for your US citizen child (when you are not citizens) will cause problems with your immigration process.   NOT TRUE! 

The Public charge has never applied to asylum seekers applicants, but was intended to apply to those seeking status as a family members of someone with a green card or citizen

USDA and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security released a letter clarifying that applying for or receiving SNAP does not make someone a public charge and will not be considered in a public charge determination. 

Applying for or receiving SNAP will not affect someone’s ability to:
– Remain in the United States
– Get a Green Card/Permanent Legal Resident Status,
– Keep a Green Card/Permanent Legal Resident Status, or
– Become a U.S. Citizen.
– SNAP Logo Guidance

You can also apply for SNAP on behalf of the eligible immigrants or U.S. citizens in your family, even if you do not want to apply for benefits for yourself, without affecting your or their immigration status. For example, if a parent is not eligible for SNAP because of their immigration status, they can still apply for their eligible children. The SNAP office is not allowed to ask for immigration documents for people who are not applying to receive benefits themselves.

If you need food help, and you or members of your household qualify, please apply for SNAP for yourself or your family. Do it for your family’s good!

For more information relating to general immigration information in English or in Spanish, please call USCIS at 1-800-375-5283. 

For general information about SNAP, please call 1-800-221-5689 (English only) or 202-720-2791 (English and Spanish) to be connected to your state’s SNAP hotline.

For more information, visit (Spanish and English language versions are attached below). 

NEW: Applying for or Receiving SNAP Does Not Make Someone a Public Charge – Feeding Indiana’s Hungry (

There are income limits associated with being eligible for SNAP/  
Find Free Food and Groceries | Feeding America

-So, if you have questions,  reach out and we will put you in touch with local organizations who can help you walk through this. 

Similarly,   having Emergency Medicaid does NOT jeopardize your immigration process

” Applying for or receiving Medicaid or CHIP benefits, or getting savings for health insurance costs in the Marketplace, doesn’t make someone a “public charge”. This means it won’t affect their chances of becoming a Lawful Permanent Resident or U.S. citizen.” 

The one exception is if you are in a long term care facility (nursing home), at government expense.   But not routine medical treatment. 

Health coverage for lawfully present immigrants |

Immigrants Detained In Indiana Jail Sue County And Federal Governments For Illegally Relying On ICE Contract

Four people detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at the Clay County Jail in Indiana filed a federal lawsuit today exposing how the county’s government has illegally used revenue from its ICE contract to award raises to county employees and pay for operations and capital improvements at unrelated county facilities, while leaving immigrants to suffer in the jail’s inhumane conditions. The lawsuit also details how the federal government’s immigration inspections system has turned a blind eye to unsanitary conditions and human suffering inside the jail.


Justicia Social en América

¡Buenos días!

Por favor revise el folleto adjunto: La serie de Justicia Social en América presenta la 4a Feria de Justicia y El Ayuntamiento.
Nuestro orador nacional será Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson, co-director ejecutivo del Centro de Investigación y Educación highlander.
El Ayuntamiento de este año abordará temas de gran preocupación, tanto a nivel local como nacional, incluyendo la supresión de votantes y el aumento de los crímenes de odio por motivos raciales en todo el país, seguido de una sesión de preguntas y respuestas en tiempo real
Esta será una oportunidad maravillosa para aprender más sobre estos temas. Esperamos que pueda venir a estos eventos en línea

Hay opciones de votación temprana y ausente para usted, para ayudarle a salvaguardar su salud, incluso en estos tiempos difíciles.
más detalles en correos electrónicos posteriores. POR FAVOR VOTE

Ivy Tech to Host Free Talk on Immigration

(BLOOMINGTON) – Angela D. Adams, owner and managing attorney at Adams Immigration Law LLC, will give the keynote address at Ivy Tech’s Diversity Speaker Series event, “Breaking Immigration Barriers,” on Wednesday, Feb.19 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Shreve Hall at Ivy Tech’s Bloomington campus. The event is free and open to the public.
