Thursday, September 21, 2023
4:00 PM – 8:00 PMUniversity Collections at McCalla

4:00 PM at McCalla Collections
Screening and Talkback of Resistimos (2021), a film by Diana Quiñones Rivera. This documentary is about the current socio-economic and political issues in Puerto Rico, as seen through the lives of people practicing Bomba music. Bomba is an Afro Puerto Rican music and dance tradition that was born out of the struggle and survival of enslaved people all over the island. Resistimos documents the resurgence of this music as a tool to fight corruption, gender inequality and the austerity measures imposed in Puerto Rico by the US Fiscal Control Board in 2016.
6:00 PM at McCalla Collections
Bomba performance by Ivelisse Díaz and dance troup, Bomberxas De’Cora.