Families First Neighborhood Pantry at Heatherwood

Reminder: Next Monday, 5/15, is the day for the Families First Neighborhood Pantry at Heatherwood,
2 – 4 pm. Come one, come all!

Juneteenth is a Federal Holiday falling on June 19, which is usually a mobile pantry day. That month we will plan to have it on June 12 instead, so please mark your calendars.

El próximo lunes, 5/15, es el día para la despensa Families First del vecindario Heatherwood, de 2 a 4 pm. ¡Venga uno, vengan todos!

Juneteenth es un feriado federal que cae el 19 de junio, que generalmente es un día de despensa móvil. Ese mes planearemos tenerlo el 12 de junio, así que por favor marque sus calendarios.