Friends remember Horseshoe Bend soldier who died in Iraq

Osorio enlisted in the Army in July 2017 after graduating from Horseshoe Bend High School and was on his first deployment. In less than two years in the military, he was decorated with several awards, including the Army Commendation Medal and the Army Achievement Medal.

KTVB spoke with some of his friends Wednesday night. They told us he loved his country and would do anything to help others.


Bloomington clinic provides care to immigrant community

Volunteers in Medicine of Monroe County

From the beginning of President Trump’s campaign, he has called for increased restrictions on immigration and blamed immigrants for crime and unemployment. As he has moved through his first two years of presidency, rhetoric and national policy continue to be pitted against immigrants — and the clinic is feeling the repercussions.

Shelley Sallee, Volunteers in Medicine assistant director, who began working at the clinic in 2008, said she wasn’t expecting it to be like this.

“I’ve never worked in a place that relied so heavily on the political environment,” she said. “You know, we don’t want to be political, we just want to take care of people.”


What Happened When Pete Buttigieg Tore Down Houses In Black And Latino South Bend

The way Williams-Preston sees it, there’s room for more than one hero in Buttigieg’s story.

“Some people, they’re trying to find the dirt on Pete,” she said. “I just try to encourage people. If you look at the whole story — any good story — the hero is an imperfect hero, you know what I’m saying? We don’t do everything right. The real story here is the fact that the people organized to make a change.”
