Dear community:
As all of you are aware, neighbors in our hemisphere have suffered tremendous loss in recent weeks. Mexico’s earthquakes hit very hard the southern states, Mexico City and Morelia. In addition, two hurricanes, Irma and María, devastated many Caribbean nations, including the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. As members of the Indiana University community, we are reaching out to our colleagues, students, staff, and friends in an effort to provide support to our many sister communities, where many of us who are part of IU have our roots as well as many family members and friends.
Hoping to contribute to the relief efforts, we have identified organizations that are assisting communities affected by these catastrophic events. Most of these organizations have been vetted by independent agencies and have an established track record of working with local communities in need. Following is a list of organizations/agencies that are providing relief to Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean. The websites provide information about the mission of these organizations and instructions about how to make donations online.
Mexico Earthquake Relief:
International Community Foundation:
National Museum of Mexican Art Chicago for Mexico and Puerto Rico Relief Fund:
Hispanic Federation:
Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief:
Hurricane María Community Recovery Fund:
Episcopal Relief Fund:
Fundación Comunitaria de Puerto Rico:
U.S. Virgin Islands and the Caribbean:
All Hands:
Your contribution is greatly appreciated. These communities will survive and thrive, but need our support.
Thank you. Gracias.
In solidarity/En solidaridad,
Raquel Anderson – Professor, Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences
Arlene J. Díaz – Associate Professor, Department of History
Luis A. González – Associate Librarian, IU Libraries
Juan Manuel Soto-Arriví – Senior Lecturer, Department of Spanish and Portuguese