Once-retired ambulance heading to Honduras

BEDFORD — The wonders of modern medicine and quick response times during emergencies are a given in developed countries.

But in a country such as Honduras, obstacles are many for people needing medical care.

Capstone Ministries of Mitchell knows well the plight of the Honduran people. Later this month, Allen Burris, Capstone board president, will deliver an ambulance to a hospital in the village of Ojojona, which is a 45-minute trip from the capital of Honduras.

“People are often transported in the backs of pickups when they need to get to the hospital, so this is a tremendous blessing,” said Burris.

The gift of the ambulance was made possible by St. Vincent Dunn Hospital, which donated the out-of-service ambulance to Capstone.

“We talk about our service to the poor, and this is it in action,” said Matt Balla, chief executive officer of St. Vincent Dunn.

On Friday, Balla made the donation to Capstone official, presenting the keys and title to Burris and Capstone board member Warren Crawford.

Crawford visited Honduras on a mission trip in 2010 and knew of the need. He said he noticed the ambulance parked on Mitchell Road and when he found out it was no longer in use by the hospital, Capstone approached St. Vincent Dunn about donating it.


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